DiProGB was developed at the Leibniz Institute for Age Research - Fritz-Lipmann-Institute ("FLI"). DiProGB is freely available for internal use by not-for-profit entities, without the right to grant sublicenses and without the right to pass DiProGB on to other entities or persons. Therefore, by clicking the Accept button below, recipient declares to FLI the following: 1. Herewith Recipient warrants and declares that Recipient is either employed by or represents a non-commercial (i.e. a non-profit) entity and that Recipient will use DiProGB in this capacity only. 2. Recipient may use DiProGB on single or multiple workstations, but is not allowed to pass DiProGB or parts thereof, in whichever form, on to other persons or entities. 3. Recipient may not make changes to DiProGB without the prior written consent of FLI. 4. Recipient acknowledges that DiProGB is copyright protected. 5. DiProGB has been developed with care, yet FLI makes no representations and extends no warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to quality or fitness for a particular purpose, or that the use of DiProGB will not infringe any proprietary right of a third party. 6. Recipient assumes all and any liability for damages which may arise from Recipient's use and storage of DiProGB. The use of DiProGB by employees or representatives of a commercial (i.e. a for-profit) entity requires a license by FLI prior to download. DiProGB source code is available only upon written request. Contact for license and source code enquiries: Ascenion GmbH Herzogstr. 64 D-80803 Munich ph: +49.89.318814-0 fax: +49.89.318814-20 info(at)ascenion.de